Trade Show Vendor Insurance for Exhibitors

With more than 13,000 events in the United States each year and over 20,000 hosted around the world, trade shows are big business. It’s hard to pass up the opportunity to network, market products and services, expand your knowledge, and learn about industry trends.

While the COVID-19 pandemic delayed shows and shifted some into virtual spaces, most trade shows are back with in-person events. Analysts expect this to continue until attendance is back to pre-pandemic levels. If your company is already exhibiting again — or planning to start soon — you may have questions about trade show vendor insurance for exhibitors. The truth is that there’s always a risk of bodily injury or other damage when you’re around large groups of people. Trade show vendor insurance can help protect your company when the unexpected happens.

What Is Trade Show Vendor Insurance?

Trade show vendor insurance is a short-term policy that helps protect your company when you’re exhibiting at a show. Unlike your business’ general liability policy, this insurance is in place while you’re at the event and covers incidents that occur there.

Coverage Options

Your company’s insurance needs are unique to your business, so trade show vendor insurance should be customizable. Minimum coverage should include protection for the following incidents that can lead to event cancellation and loss of income:

  • Adverse weather
  • Civil unrest, including major riots
  • Disease outbreaks
  • Natural disasters like earthquakes and wildfires
  • Non-appearance of a presenter or key speaker
  • Unavailable venues

You may also add additional policies like event cancellation to give you even more protection from incidents and circumstances beyond your control. Or, check out event liability insurance to protect you from claims of bodily injury during the event.

Who Needs Trade Show Exhibitor Insurance?

If you’re preparing to exhibit at a trade show, chances are you need trade show exhibitor insurance. Let’s imagine you plan to attend and set up a booth at an international trade show overseas to introduce a new product. You spend a considerable amount of time and money planning for the event, including arranging transportation and accommodations, shipping your product samples to the venue, and choosing personnel who will attend the show.

If the host country is impacted by an earthquake a few days before the event, you may find yourself in a predicament. The earthquake may damage the infrastructure, or the government may decide to restrict tourism so it can concentrate its resources to meet the needs of the citizens. Depending on the severity of the damage, the event will likely be postponed or canceled. Trade show exhibitor insurance can help mitigate some of your loss. This is why some trade show promoters require proof of insurance from exhibitors and vendors.

If you have an elaborate display to set up at the venue, you may want event liability coverage. An attendee may trip and knock over your display, which may fall on someone and injure them. The event liability policy can help pay for a bodily injury claim without affecting your company’s general liability policy — if it even applies to an event taking place outside your normal business location.

How Much Does Trade Show Exhibitor Insurance Cost?

The cost of a trade show exhibitor insurance policy varies depending on the type of coverage the business needs. Factors such as policy limits, terms, location, and the number of attendees can affect the price. The policy provider can explain your options and help you get the coverage you need for the event.

Where Can You Buy Trade Show Exhibitor Insurance?

You can buy trade show exhibitor insurance from a specialty insurance company that offers this type of policy. When shopping around, look for a company that offers customizable coverage designed to meet the individual needs of your business. Ask where they operate to ensure you have the protection you need for events you attend in other states and other countries.

ESP Specialty offers several types of insurance solutions for trade show and conference promoters and attendees, including policies for trade show exhibitors, event liability, and more. The customizable policies give you plenty of options for creating the level of coverage you need to protect your business and interests. Contact us today to discuss your upcoming events and get a quote.

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Trade Shows Insurance